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Showing posts from October, 2020Show all
LAB COURSE III TYBCS Assignments | PHP - csprogramx
Line Editor program.
Write a script in PHP to accept a competition name from user   and display information of student who has secured 1st rank in that competition.
Movie-Actor Database .
Write a script in PHP to accept a teacher name from user   and display the names of students along with subjects to whom teacher is teaching.
write a script in PHP to accept a project name from user and  display information of employees working on the project.
write a PHP script which accepts hospital name and print  information about doctors visiting / working in that hospital in tabular format.
write a PHP script which will print a salary statement in the  format given below, for a given department. (Accept department name from the  user).
Define an interface which has methods area(), volume(). Define constant PI. Create a class cylinder which implements this interface and calculate area and volume.
LAB COURSE III - Assignment 4
A program to read directory name from user and display content of the directory recursively.
Write a menu driven program to perform various file operations.
Write a program to read directory name and extension. Display the files with  specified extension from that directory.
Write a program to read a flat file student.dat and display the data from file in  tabular format also calculate the percentage.
A program to read directory name from user and display content of the  directory in PHP.