9.  To change value of an HTML attribute.

10.  To display odd or even number .

11.  To display maximum number between two numbers.

12.  To display maximum number between two numbers.

13.  To display maximum number between   three numbers .

14.  To display whether a number is positive, negative or zero.

15.  To display day’s of week. 

16.  To display add, sub, multiplication using switch statement.

17.  Arithmetic Operation using function & events.
18.  To display 1 to 10 number using While Loop.

19.  To display 1 to 10 number using For Loop.

20. To display 1 to 10 number using do while Loop.(Using do while Loop).

21.  To display sum of first 10 natural numbers. (Using while Loop.)

22.  To display maximum between any 10 numbers .(Using while Loop.)

23.  To display minimum between any 10 numbers .(Using whileLoop.)

24.  Fibonacci series  (Using whileLoop).

25.  To display Descending Order  (Using ForLoop.)

26.  To display Factorial of given number. (Using ForLoop.)

27. To display Addition of two numbers .  (Using add function.)

28.   To display odd or even number. (Using OddEven  function)

29.  To display odd or even number. (Using OddEven  function)

30.  To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. (Using Celsius  function)