Space for google add

Add Image and Marquee to the web page



In the web page of Dasara festival do the following:
1.Bring the heading of dasara festival in canter and set it’s font as “Algerian” and colour as “red”.
2.Add image of god/goddess below the heading proper height and width.
3.Add a scrolling text line (HAPPY DASARA) bellow the image. Select font as “Comic Sans MS”, font colour as green and make the bold/italic.
4.Give a suitable background (picture/colour) to your web page.
5.Save the web page and view it in the browser.    

Programme :- Add Image and Marquee to the web page

           <title><b> DASARA SPICIAL </title></b>
<center><h1> <b><font face="Algerian"> <font color = dark red size="16"> HAPPY DASARA </h1> </b> <img src="vru.jpg" align = "center " height=100width=80>
 </center> <h3> <marquee bgcolor= yellow behavior= "scroll" direction="left" ><font color = "red" >  *SARASWATI MATA KI JAY*...........</marquee> </h3> </font>
<p><b><font face="LUCIDA CALLIGRAPHY "color=purpal> Wish You and your family 
<br>occasion, I wish the 
color, bliss and
beauty of this festival..... Be with you 
throught the year !
<center> <font color = dark red face="Baskerville Old Face" size=+1>HAPPY DASARA TO MY ALL FRIENDS .</center> 
 </p></b> </font>
<body bgcolor="sky blue">

Output :- 

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