Space for google add

To Display Subtraction, Multiplication.


Write JavaScript code to display  Addition Subtraction, Multiplication of two numbers. (Using alert() & confirm() method of the window object )

Programme :- 




          <h4><center><font face="Algerian">

                       Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication of two numbers.


                        <script language="javascript">


                          var A,B,C ,S,M

      A = 100, B = 20,

     C = A + B ,S=A-B, M=A*B


     alert("A = 100")

                                      document.write ("<center>A = 100</center>")

     alert("B = 20")

                                      document.write ("<center>B = 20</center>")

    document.write ("</br>")                


    document.write ("<center>Addition</center>")

                                                                    document.write ("<center>A+B=",C)



                                                                   document.write ("<center>A-B=",S)



                                                                  document.write ("<center>A*B=",M)

   confirm ("Are you want to close this web page??")








    Alert Box:-










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