1. Define a class CricketPlayer (name, no_of_innings, no_times_notout, total_runs, bat_avg).
Create an array of n player objects. Calculate the batting average for each player using a static
method avg(). Handle appropriate exception while calculating average. Define a static method
“sortPlayer” which sorts the array on the basis of average. Display the player details in sorted
2. Define a class SavingAccount (acNo, name, balance). Define appropriate constructors and
operations withdraw(), deposit() and viewBalance(). The minimum balance must be 500.
Create an object and perform operations. Raise user defined InsufficientFundsException when
balance is not sufficient for withdraw operation.
1. Define a class MyDate (day, month, year) with methods to accept and display a MyDate
object. Accept date as dd, mm, yyyy. Throw user defined exception “InvalidDateException”
Examples of invalid dates : 12 15 2015, 31 6 1990, 29 2 2001
If anyone has Doubts or suggestions please let me know