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LAB COURSE II TYBCS- Assignment 3 | JAVA-csprogramx



1. Define a class Employee having private members – id, name, department, salary. Define

default and parameterized constructors. Create a subclass called “Manager” with private member

bonus. Define methods accept and display in both the classes. Create n objects of the Manager

class and display the details of the manager having the maximum total salary (salary+bonus)

2. Create an abstract class Shape with methods calc_area and calc_volume. Derive three classes

Sphere(radius) , Cone(radius, height) and Cylinder(radius, height), Box(length, breadth, height)

from it. Calculate area and volume of all. (Use Method overriding).

3. Write a Java program to create a super class Vehicle having members Company and price.

Derive 2 different classes LightMotorVehicle (members – mileage) and HeavyMotorVehicle

(members – capacity-in-tons). Accept the information for n vehicles and display the information

in appropriate form. While taking data, ask the user about the type of vehicle first.


1. Define an abstract class “Staff” with members name and address. Define two sub-classes of this

class – “FullTimeStaff” (department, salary) and “PartTimeStaff” (number-of-hours, rate-perhour).

Define appropriate constructors. Create n objects which could be of either FullTimeStaff

or PartTimeStaff class by asking the user’s choice. Display details of all “FullTimeStaff” objects

and all “PartTimeStaff” objects.

2. Create an interface “CreditCardInterface” with methods : viewCreditAmount(), useCard(),

payCredit() and increaseLimit(). Create a class SilverCardCustomer (name, cardnumber (16

digits), creditAmount – initialized to 0, creditLimit - set to 50,000 ) which implements the above

interface. Inherit class GoldCardCustomer from SilverCardCustomer having the same methods

but creditLimit of 1,00,000. Create an object of each class and perform operations. Display

appropriate messages for success or failure of transactions. (Use method overriding)

i. useCard() method increases the creditAmount by a specific amount upto creditLimit

ii. payCredit() reduces the creditAmount by a specific amount.

iii. increaseLimit() increases the creditLimit for GoldCardCustomers (only 3 times, not more

than 5000Rs. each time)

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